Christine- Confidence. Scotland.

Oana- Weightloss. Romania.

Becky - OCD and Anxiety. Manchester UK

Gavin. Clarity and Focus. Essex.



“This has changed my mindset alot, and i have overcome many challenges in the last 4 weeks, I am alot calmer and everyone has noticed a huge change in me”

-Rebecca V (OCD & anxiety).

“He had his first flight since RTT on Monday and for the first time in 15 years, enjoyed it! No fear , no anxiety - just excitement for the holiday and adventures waiting on the other side. He physically looked lighter during the flight and you should have seen the smile on his face when we landed. knowing that a fear he thought he had to live with was now gone. Magical!

-A wifes testimonial (for her husbands fear of flying).

I started working with Emily around 7 weeks ago and done a hypnotherapy session on weight loss. I’ve tried all sorts of diets and counselling on weight loss and nothing has worked until I met Emily, after the 21 days of recordings I began to lose weight 1-2 pounds at a time ,I’m now at 7 weeks and have lost 1 stone 2 lbs. I can’t believe the results I really do think it’s in your mind and how you heal and understand which gets to the root of the problem. I’m over the moon with my results! Emily is understanding and patient and I warmed to her very quickly  with opening up and sharing she’s amazing at what she does!. I would 100% recommended her to friends and family . She’s really helped me and changed my way of thinking for the better. 

-Martina B (Weightloss).

This has massively helped me. I’m really pleased. Working with Emily has really helped me understand how the mind works and how i can change things.

I recommend to everyone.

-Ross D. (Anxiety, Intrusive thoughts, Mindset).

Hi Emily, Thank you for helping me through this. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to have stumbled across your website. I am listening to the recording everyday and here’s to better, happier days ahead. Thanks again.

-Client wishes to remain anon. Female.

I have so much more self control and less desire to eat sugary snacks, which is making me feel great. The session itself felt like a cool and also weird nap. Have been feeling incredible ever since and most importantly losing the weight!

Thank you Emily.

Male - Weightloss, sugar addiction.

“I had alot of anger issues, which was affecting my relationships in a lot of aspects of my life, understanding where it all came from was a game changer. I am alot calmer and more importantly alot happier"

-James S (Anger issues).

“I’m so blown away by how strong I feel after just one session, After feeling so low and useless for so long, Emily has really helped me reclaim my power. I’m finally living and excited for the future for me and my son. I can’t thank you enough, you have been so supportive throughout this journey and can’t wait to see where this will take me now".

- Olivia P (Anxiety, Health Anxiety.)

I came to Emily as a competitive Athlete, wanting to optimise my performance. In tennis the mind plays a powerful role but for most of my life, I have overlooked this aspect of the game. As a result I have carried unhelpful beliefs through my journey, which often would create tension in crucial moments of my matches. Through working with Emily, I have realised that these beliefs were my interpretation of events that happened in my life as opposed to them being emotions that I have no control over. I was amazed at how much we achieved over just one session and got a much deeper understanding of my mind. I received the tools to turn negative thoughts into a positive and helpful mindset. This ultimately allows me to play with more freedom. I am more relaxed on court and in life and get to play my best tennis.

Emily was amazing during the entire process. Her kind and welcoming nature made the sessions enjoyable which made it easy for me to open up to her. She had incredible attention to detail when creating a personalised recording , the language she uses , i can strongly relate to and allows me to reframe my subconscious on a regular basis just by listening to it. All in all i couldn’t be happier with my experience.

-James Markiewicz - Professional Athlete (Sports Performance).

As sad as it might be to admit, I don’t think i truly felt happiness and joy during the 9 years i struggled with anxiety. my brain was constantly on high alert, doing a risk analysis which left very little room or energy to feel and enjoy anything else.

But now i feel it all, in full colour and its wonderful, to soak in all the glorious, joyful moments in the everyday and also to feel the stressful things in full too, but to know i have the strength and ability to deal with them. It’s made me a better partner, friend and family member because in being there for myself, i can be better there for others. Everyone has commented on how different I am , calm collected , level headed, present and understanding. All the things i said i wanted to feel in our first session!

Emily you have changed our lives and continue to as we apply the lessons the lessons we’ve learnt into the future. Neither of us have to the words to fully express how deeply grateful we are to you and RTT. Thank you again!

Female - Anxiety.